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 We, thank you all for your continued support towards a better community and world. If it was not for your donations none of this would be possible!

What does your donation go towards?


The Community Garden

  Donations to the community garden allows  us to buy tools, soil, seeds, building materials, and diesel for our tractor to help produce food that goes to low-income  families and the elderly. 


 All food is grown GMO-free and is planted   from Heirloom seed. The Heirloom plants will   drop enough seeds to be used for the next   years planting season and every season after.




 The Food Pantry

    Donations to the food pantry allows us to   purchase more food from the food bank for   the church to  pass out to the community. We   have the food pantry open every Thursday   with 2 different shifts. At this time we are   currently feeding roughly 100 families per   month but we would love to be able to   expand that number.

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We thank you for your generous donations. 

Helping the commuity grow!


104 Main St.

Lake City, AR 72437

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