About US
Southern Delta Church of Wicca-ATC was established in Jan. 1994 in Jonesboro Arkansas. The founding Elders were ordained by the Aquarian Tabernacle Church in Index Washington in 1993 they are Reverend Terry Riley, Reverend Amanda Riley, and Reverend Garry Christopher. In 1994 the same people were ordained by SDCW-ATC. Today the SDCW-ATC has ordained clergy in Arkansas, Tennessee, New York, Idaho, and Texas.
The SDCW-ATC sponsors open Esbats (New Moons and Full Moon circles) each month and Sabbats circles to serve the larger Pagan community. SDCW-ATC membership is open to all Pagans and we also offer classes to those who wish to pursue the path of initiation or ordination through out degree system.
The SDCW-ATC is an eclectic church with connections to other churches and groups in the mid-south area. We believe that all Pagan/Wiccan traditions are valid and strive to connect our members with other groups that follow a specific tradition in order to serve the larger community.
The statement of purpose of the SDCW-ATC is to promote the Wiccan/Pagan religions to the world & to disseminate information to the populace in order to bring Earth based religions into equality with the other varying faiths of the world.
Since It's formation in 1994 the clergy have performed over 190 Rites of Passage for the Pagan community, nearly 100 initiations, dedications and numerous legal marriages in Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee.
The SDCW-ATC has the distinct honor of being the first legally recognized Wiccan Church in the State of Arkansas and the founding elders among the first legally licensed clergy in the state.